Zig is my new favorite language
Zig looks like this:
const std = @import("std");
pub fn main() void {
std.debug.print("Hello, World!", .{});
Zig also has things like this:
const std = @import("std");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const isWindows = builtin.os.tag == std.Target.Os.Tag.windows;
const isLinux = builtin.os.tag == std.Target.Os.Tag.linux;
pub inline fn exit(code: u8) noreturn {
if (isLinux) std.os.linux.exit(code);
if (isWindows) std.os.windows.kernel32.ExitProcess(code);
In this case the booleans are computed at compile time, and as a result so are the if statements inside the exit function. This is not done by an optimizer, but as a result of the compile-time semantics of the language.
This magically turns Zig into an extremely powerful competitor to C-like lowlevel languages that rely on preprocessors to make compile-time decisions.